Thursday, May 7, 2009

Nautical dictionary!

Sorry I haven't written for a couple of days! Been a bit busy. But a lot of yummy stuff is comming up shortly, be patient! On request, here comes a list of nautical mumbo jumbo:

Crosstrees: Timbers supporting shrouds around the area where masts overlap. (Salning)

Fo'c'sle = Forecastle: Area below deck at the bow, usually used as crew quarters ("in the fo'c'sle"), or a raised deck area at the bow ("on the fo'c'sle). (Förskans/back; i förskansen/på backen)

Lashing: Attachment where two workpieces are tied together with a line. (Surrning)

Ratboard: Wooden ratline (Vevlingslatta/trävevling)

Ratlines: Footstep lashed between the shrouds. Used as ladder rungs when climbing the mast. (Vevling)

Shroud: Line or wire staying a mast sideways. (Vant)

Spanker mast: The aftmost mast on a four masted ship. (Mesan i det här fallet. Mesan översätts oftast mizzen om man har tre eller färre master. Mizzen på Windy är mast nummer två akterifrån och kan kallas kryssmast på svenska.)

Stringer: Fore-and-aft hull reinforcement beam. (Stringer, essing, långskeppsbalk)

Topside: Outside of a hull above waterline. (Fribord, skrovsida)

Whipping twine: Thread/string used to whip the end of lines, to keep the strands and yarns from coming apart. (Taglingsgarn)

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